5 lessons
Start Here: Intro to Partner Training
This course welcomes our students and explains some of the logic behind Partner Trainings. Every student needs to start with this intro course.
8 lessons
Level 1 - Foundation
The course teaches how to quickly build your first scenario on Make while explaining different UI elements such as scenario builder and all the menus outside the scenario builder.
14 lessons
Level 2 - Basics
The course teaches how to build more advanced scenarios involving routing, filtering, and inline functions. You first need to pass Level 1 and then we'll enroll you into Level 2.
16 lessons
Level 3 - Intermediate
The course focuses on more advanced features of Make such as iterations, aggregations, arrays, webhooks, error handling, HTTP app which are crucial for building complex scenarios. You first need to pass Level 2 and then we'll enroll you into Level 3.
40 lessons
Sales Training
Take this course to learn how to sell Make and succeed as an official Make Service Partner. This course will only be unlocked only if you have applied to become a Make partner (or are already a partner).
21 lessons
Level 4 - Advanced Training
The course expands on topics such as iterations, aggregations, error handling, Data Structures, Data Stores, Repeater, and Text Parser while demonstrating real-life use cases. You first need to pass Level 3 and then we'll enroll you into Level 4.